Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here's your 'demonstration project,' Mr. President -- it's called Mississippi

Washington Examiner "Mississippi's reforms were truly sweeping. The new laws: *Changed rules of venue, to prevent abusive court-shopping. *Got rid of the rule of "joint and several liability" -- as Barbour put it, in order to protect the defendant who is only "2 percent negligent" but who has the "deep pockets" that trial lawyers look for when deciding whom to sue. *Protect innocent landowners and sellers of products. Under the reforms, "if a pharmacist is selling a drug that the FDA has said is appropriate for the purpose it says it's used for, unless the pharmacist knows it has been tampered with, then that pharmacist is immune," said Barbour. *Put caps on punitive damages, with a sliding scale based on the size of the defendant corporation. *Put caps on non-economic damages, particularly to deal with medical malpractice liability. "

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