Monday, May 10, 2010


Boortz "This rant took place at a La Raza rally at UCLA in California. The speaker is a man by the name of Ron Gochez. He is a history teacher at a government high school in California. This man is making a living from U.S. taxpayers. In just a minute you're going to be really ticked off about that. So we have a government school teacher, speaking at a La Raza rally. Are you ready for his rant?"...."This government school teacher went on to say that there are more than 40 million of "our people" north of the Rio Grande - "that means more than 40 million potential revolutionaries North of the border, inside the belly of the beast." "
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!  It seems a child in an art class was drawing a picture of the American Flag. The teacher told the student that she couldn't draw the flag because it was "offensive." Another student drew a picture of Barack Obama and was told what a beautiful picture it was."
Is America Conquered When the American Flag Is 'Offensive'? There is not now, nor has there ever been, any such land called "Aztlan." The American Southwest was never ruled by the Aztecs. And Mexico's jurisdiction over these territories lasted a mere ten years, owing in part to the historic Spanish presence.

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