Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dems Turn On Obama

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann "It is the nature of things that presidential mistakes metastasize into presidential character flaws. Bush's inaction over Katrina comes across as insensitivity. Now Obama's incompetence and inexperience is causing liberals to see him as arrogant, aloof, removed, conceited, suspicious of outside advice and even lazy. Long after the oil has stopped spilling, these supposed character defects will haunt the president, just as Jimmy Carter's reputation of timidity and inability lasted long after the Iran hostages came home. These defects will last until 2012 and beyond."

However:  Djou idea on Jones Act hitting rough waters "We are using equipment and vessels from countries like Norway, Canada, The Netherlands," said Gibbs. "There has not been any problem with this. If there is the need for any type of waiver, that would obviously be granted, but we have not had that problem."

Jones Act a barrier to spill fix "After initially refusing to name them, the State Department on May 5 declared that 11 other countries and the UN also had offered skimmer boats and other assets and experts to prevent the oil from destroying dolphins, crabs, oysters and this disaster's other defenseless victims. Alas, they were turned away in a State Department statement."

Coast Guard Head Was Informed of Maine Oil Boom on 5/21. Yesterday, He Claimed He Didn’t Know   From June 12: "A letter signed by both Maine senators — with the four Gulf State governors copied — informed Admiral Allen of Packgen's boom weeks ago. Allen told ABC yesterday that he hadn't heard this information. (Read article to see the letter, along with a photo of miles of Packgen boom sitting in storage.)"

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