Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The economy

THE ECONOMY. TRUST REPUBLICANS OR DEMOCRATS? "Just in case one of the pollsters calls you to ask which party you trust with our economy, perhaps this handy guide might help.
Would you rather live and work in an economy that..."
.... "Again ... if you're not a government dependent, anyone with any love of freedom at all should have no difficulty figuring this one out." This and the following two articles by Neal Boortz

THE GENESIS OF OUR ECONOMIC PROBLEMS "Since we started off talking about the economy here ... once again it might be a good idea to remind you just what got us into this economic mess. As you know ... the entire economic crash was centered around a collapse in the U.S. real estate market. This collapse was cause by millions (tens of millions?) of homeowners suddenly finding themselves completely unable to make payments on their mortgage loans - payments that had increased due to adjustable rate mortgages." Then he quotes this excellent article by Thomas Sowell which ran in a previous Tunnel Wall.

TAX BREAKS FOR THE RICH "Re-read that segment. Look at the use of words like "fairness", "gift", and "distribution." These are the ravings of a leftist who believes that wealth is distributed, not earned; that it's not "fair" when someone earns more than another person; and that when you allow someone to keep more of the money they have earned it constitutes a "gift." If you're a Democrat .. this is your logic. Are you comfortable with it? "

Opinion: Obama Offers Stimulus Reruns "In announcing the transportation plan, Obama told an audience in Milwaukee that "This will not only create jobs immediately, it's also going to make our economy hum over the long haul."  But the stimulus bill from last year included an almost identical $48 billion in extra transportation spending, along with those same promises -- rebuild the nation's infrastructure for tomorrow, and create jobs today.
"So far, it hasn't exactly worked out that way."  Cartoon by Lisa Benson, Townhall

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