Thursday, September 30, 2010

Visigoths at the gate?

Charles Krauthammer  "The Tea Party could have become Perot '92, an anti-government movement that spurned the Republicans, went third-party and cost George H.W. Bush reelection, ending 12 years of Republican rule. Had the Tea Party gone that route, it would have drained the Republican Party of its most mobilized supporters and deprived Republicans of the sweeping victory that awaits them on Nov. 2.
"Instead, it planted its flag within the party and, with its remarkable energy, created the enthusiasm gap. Such gaps are measurable. This one is a chasm."...
The history of the Gadsden flag and how the rattlesnake became a symbol of American independence.

Also showing up at some Texas anti-socialism rallies: the Goliad Flag.
"The meaning of the Goliad Flag has nothing to do with slavery, or "African" American history. It was a flag raised over the fortress of Goliad in Texas during the Texas Revolution against Mexico. It's meaning to Texans are varied, but fall under "I would rather cut off my right arm, than live under tyranny." " photo

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