Saturday, October 16, 2010

What does Obama read?  From a forwarded email about the book in Mr.Obama's hand. The email reads: "The name of the book Obama is reading (see insert) is: The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim*.
""Post" America means the world After America ! Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal. We must expose Obama's radical ideas and his intent to bring down our beloved America! "
*Fareed Zakaria

For Obama and past presidents, the books they read shape policies and perceptions  "Reading lists don't only give presidents a break from the tedium of briefing documents; they can also inform their politics and policies, reaffirming, creating or shifting their views. White House watchers obsess over which aides have the ear of the president, but the books presidents read also offer insight on where they want to take the country -- and how history will remember them."

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