Monday, August 15, 2011

George Will: Making Presidential Race A Referendum On GOP Nominee Is “Barack Obama’s Best Hope”/ Demonizing of the TEA Party

Mediaite  "Barack Obama’s best hope is the Republican nominating electorate. He does not want this to be a referendum on his record, he wants it to be a referendum on the fitness for office of the Republican nominee."
Democrats will level accusations against the Republican nominee with little regard for the absurdity of them. The press will then get the conservative to spend their time denying these charges and the focus will be off of Obama. TD

Tea Party demonization continues  "Do you know what all of this means? Of course you do. The Democrats are scared to death of the tea parties. Say “tea party” to a prog and stand back while they look for a piece of furniture to hide under." Neal Boortz

"Of late it has become clear that the Federal Government politicians and bureaucrats are finally becoming very worried about the Tea Party Movement (TPM) revolution taking shape before their very eyes that many of them have denounced as a "terrorist" organization of, "Hobbits." "
 Posted by Ronbo at the Freedom Fighters Journal

Photo above from The Middle-Earth Guide to Campaign 2012  How's this for allegory:
"One ring to rule them all/ one ring to find them/ one ring to tax them all/ and in indebtedness bind them."

Why 2012 Must be a Referendum on Obama’s Policies  "Soon, the phraseology will be how Republicans caused the current economic mess. Nancy Pelosi has already tried to blame the massive mess the House of Representatives created under her leadership on John Boehner."
The Democrats best weapon: sound bites (bytes?) of Republicans attacking each other and quotes from John McCain who speaks more kindly of Obama than he does of the TEA Party. TD

Dumping on the Tea Party ; The "Tea Party Downgrade" slander cannot stand.  "You would think that such an obvious pack of lies from the left would have no chance of gaining traction. Think again: According to Rasmussen, they already have 29% of Americans believing that Tea Party members are “economic terrorists.”
"This cannot stand. We know who started the fire, we know who fed and worsened it with their failed “solutions,” and we know who is utterly out of ideas. Incredibly, fewer Americans are working full-time now than were when the recession technically ended. Democrats and all too many RINO accomplices have had their way for 30 months, and all they can show for it is a frightening trail of misery."

CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party Strategy is working  "The mainstream media spends two years calling the Tea Party movement racist, extremist, sexist, terrorist, and hostage takers, and then acts as if negative polling results reflect something wrong with the Tea Party movement rather than their own biased reporting."

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