Monday, November 28, 2011

The Castor Oil Candidate

Rich Terrell  tells it the way it is. Another typical hold-your-nose-and-vote Republican candidate in a long line of them.

"But, if perception is reality, Mitt Romney is the prince of flip-flops — and, if the Grand Ol’ Party nominates him, every Republican everywhere had better be prepared to counter the argument that Romney has no core — and will say and do whatever it takes to get elected."....
"If Romney is the prince of flip-flops, Obama is the king. (See here for a partial list.) That’s cold comfort for any voter who’s looking for actual conviction (including me!), but it’s still an important differentiation to make. And as far as “cores” go, what core I suspect Obama of having is very far to the left of Mitt Romney’s. Please let’s not forget that."

Neal Boortz: Meanwhile ... Newt continues to rise "Their track record for picking the next president may be hit or miss, but it is good boost in a state where Mitt Romney is currently dominating in the polls. When asked about Mitt Romney, the editorial page editor for the Union Leader, Drew Cline, explains, "Romney's a guy who wants to be liked, a politician who wants to be liked. Gingrich is a politician who wants to be respected." I rather like that difference, but at the same time if the voters don’t like the GOP nominee Obama is going to get four more years to “fundamentally transform” the United States.
"I guess it seems like brains and respect are winning out over likability. Hey, Barack Obama was likeable, and look where that got us. Moving right along …"

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