Sunday, August 14, 2011

Police: State Fair mugger targeted whites; 'easy targets'

Philadelphia Mayor Nutter
WLS890am  "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was asked on WLS Radio’s Roe and Roeper Show Friday if he thought the crimes warranted hate crime status, “I think it is absolutely outrageous, it is a hate crime, and I would imagine the prosecutor will be very aggressive on this. There is no tolerance whether it’s white on black or black on white, there shouldn’t be any tolerance in general for that kind of problems.”"....
"Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets.""

Some real perspective over at  Wake up Black America. This man has courage. But maybe no friends.

Let Tavis Smiley or Cornel West know your thoughts on this, since they have a stake in it all.
"If you don't treat poor and working people with dignity now, chickens are going to come home to roost later," West said. "And it won't be about love and justice. It will be about revenge, hatred, and then we all go under."
Basically, this is a Maxine Waters-style call to riot; "Brothers in the hood, you have our approval to help yourselves to new stuff!

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