Monday, August 22, 2011

Perfectly Timed Friday Afternoon Obamacare Waiver Dump

Verum Serum  "Ever since the waivers became a news item the administration has been working hard to downplay them. First they changed the website where the new waivers were announced, with no announcement or link to the new site. Now they’ve started waiting until Friday afternoons to release the latest figures:" 
The Obama administration granted another 106 waivers last month from part of the healthcare reform law — the first round of three-year waivers the Health and Human Services Department has approved.
The new approvals bring the total number of waivers to 1,472, according to HHS.
What is a Friday document dump?  "At the Clinton White House, Mr. Fabiani's preference was to release potentially damaging information right before the weekend. "My friends in the media used to call them Fabiani Fridays. … You had hard-copies of stuff. You'd put them all in a room," he said. "We would say to people, ‘Here are six stacks. You go on through them.' "

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