Saturday, June 23, 2012

Politico = MSNBC

Lessons in civility from Politico John Nolte of Breitbart:

Politico, the unofficial web-branch of MSNBC, and whose staff spends more time on MSNBC than Chris Matthews, has a so-called reporter named Joseph Williams who all but called Mitt Romney a racist on Martin Bashir's show today. 
Williams says declaratively that Romney is only comfortable around white people.
But if you think the video clip is disgraceful, wait till you see Mr. Williams' greatest tweets collection assembled below.
"Dick" jokes about Ann Romney. Really.
...."How much discussion is necessary before firing Williams?  On what planet can he be regarded as a reliable source of political reporting? The man is a hater and has a sexual fixation that is disturbing.
"There was a lot more media outrage over Neil Munro daring to ask a question of Obama. The fact that the media are not hounding this man out of the profession shows me that we can expect a lot more line crossing, targeting the Romneys for vile hatred."

Politico's suspended White House Correspondent, Joseph Williams, lashes out in a not-so-subtle way at Breitbart News.

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