Monday, November 5, 2012

Is there no sense of shame or journalistic integrity in the press?

Daily Caller; Wave goodbye to the Obama media  "But we already know the loser in this election cycle: political reporters. They’ve disgraced themselves. Conservatives have long complained about liberal bias in the media, and with some justification. But it has finally reached the tipping point. Not in our lifetimes have so many in the press dropped the pretense of objectivity in order to help a political candidate. The media are rooting for Barack Obama. They’re not hiding it."  Via World Net Daily

Pew: MSNBC's Bias Far Worse Than Fox  "MSNBC featured 71 percent negative coverage of Mitt Romney, whereas Fox coverage of Obama was only 46 percent unfavorable. What's more, positive Romney stories on MSNBC reached all the way to a soaring three percent!
...."Why some viewers consider commentators such as Chris "Tingles" Matthews, Ed Schultz, or Rachel Maddow anything other than complete propagandists is anyone's guess, but this Pew study proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there isn't a single unbiased minute on MSNBC, while Fox News appears to be far more balanced by comparison.

Rush Limbaugh; CBS Engages in Journalistic Malpractice on Benghazi  "CBS has engaged in journalistic malpractice. They announced, by the way, "Oh, guess what, you know what? We had tape of President Obama on September 12th unwilling to call it a terrorist attack." CBS News has known since the next day that he didn't call it a terror attack, and they let that second debate go by without saying anything, the Candy Crowley event go by. They just on Friday happened to say, "Oh, guess what, we found it in our 60 Minutes interview on September 12th that didn't air." "
More on this at Big Journalism; Proof: Obama Refused to Call Benghazi 'Terror,' CBS Covered Up  "Actually, the conclusion to be drawn is quite simple: CBS News, in an effort to assist President Obama's re-election campaign, corruptly concealed information about two critical issues--namely, a terror attack and the president's dishonesty about it. When the players in the Libya scandal face investigation, so, too, should CBS News and those in the mainstream media who have wantonly assisted the administration's shameless lies."

Michelle Malkin; Poser of the United States: The photo-op presidency "Conservative writer and blogger Elizabeth Scalia asked: “How DEAF is the (White House)? They release photo of Obama in Situation Room monitoring storm? Where is (the) pic of him in that room, monitoring BENGHAZI?” When CBS News reporter Mark Knoller shared one of the White House photos on his Twitter feed, North Carolina small-businessman Aaron LePrell asked: “(C)an you request a picture of the Benghazi situation room for us?” "
...."His stagehands outfitted Obamacare advocates with phony-baloney white lab coats. He publicly joked about turning a visit with U.S. soldiers abroad into “a pretty good photo op.” "

NBC's Gregory Gushes Over 'Indelible Images' of Obama During Sandy; Is it an 'October Surprise'?

Media Slammed Mitt's Food Donations, Now Sandy Victims Plead for... Food Donations  "The Old Media spent several days last week attacking Mitt Romney for his October 30 event in Ohio where he presided over supporters coming together to donate money, clothing, and food for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Then the food donations were ridiculed. Yet now ABC News is reporting that victims of the storm are calling for food donations from the public."

Politico reports that many journalists, editors, and news personnel have donated thousands to Barack Obama's reelection campaign.  "But public disclosure is the cure to that dilemma. Journalists should be allowed to donate to whom ever they wish. But as consumers of the news, we should know when they do. "

LETTERS: Media cover up Benghazi scandal to favor Obama; Letters from Colorado readers show reaction to Benghazi and the cover-up

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