Friday, April 5, 2013

Military warned 'evangelicals' No. 1 threat; Christians targeted ahead of Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, KKK

Look out! He's carrying an offering plate!

World Net Daily  "A slide titled “Religious Extremism” lists multiple organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Hamas, the Nation of Islam, the Ku Klux Klan and the Christian Identity movement as examples of extremist groups.
"However, the first group on the list is evangelical Christianity. Catholicism and ultra-orthodox Judaism are also on the list of religious extremist organizations."
"Crews said it is astounding that soldiers were taught that a key foundation of the Christian faith is now considered extreme and compared to those who want to implement Shariah law."  But I thought Sharia was now cool.

Ah HA! Are they singing "Glorious things of thee are spoken" or is that the German national anthem, "Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles"?

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