Thursday, August 22, 2013

On Hillary Clinton

Camille Paglia   
Salon; Camille Paglia: “It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton is our party’s best chance”
"It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton (born the same year as me) is our party’s best chance. She has more sooty baggage than a 90-car freight train. And what exactly has she ever accomplished — beyond bullishly covering for her philandering husband? She’s certainly busy, busy and ever on the move — with the tunnel-vision workaholism of someone trying to blot out uncomfortable private thoughts."

The Hillary Hype  "My column today is on what great fun it will be if Joe Biden decides to run for president. 
...."I am increasingly convinced the Hillary inevitability talk is ridiculous (and I am at a loss as to why so many conservatives are fatalistic about a Clinton victory). As I’ve written a few times already, she’s a decidedly dull politician. Ask a normal person to watch Hillary Clinton give a speech or an interview and odds are they’ll respond, “What’s the big deal? She’s boring.”.... Jonah Goldberg

A possible far[ther]-left challenge to Hillary in 2016   "Howard Dean could easily emerge in 2016 as the far left alternative to Hillary Clinton for president in 2016."

How Hillary pulls the strings at NBC "Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters exposes the way Team Hillary is manipulating the NBC networks over the planned miniseries on her life. The planned offer of fealty turned into a disaster when Reince Priebus and the GOP stood up, cried foul and threw NBC out of contention to host 2016 presidential debates, along with CNN which planned a documentary."....

"The Clinton Machine is a marvel to behold. Stay tuned for the project to die with no Clinton fingerprints on it."

Report: NBC News Fears 'Retaliation From the Former First Lady' If Hillary Miniseries Airs   " 'It's a bit rich for Todd and Mitchell to cry foul now about their journalistic purity being contaminated by commercial and ideological considerations. As if the MSNBC lineup where Todd and Mitchell ply their trade every day is not shared with activist ideologues such as Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz.' "


Brit Hume: Case For Hillary Clinton "Being A Great Secretary Of State Is Exceedingly Weak"   " I think those examples you cited would add up to a case for her competence. They do not

add up to a case for greatness, after all, the groundwork on Burma had been done by the previous administration.....Has the reset with Russia, which she so famously introduced with the photo-op in Moscow with the reset button, has they lead to a new and more cooperative relationship? Is there a Clinton doctrine that we can identify that she has articulated and formed as secretary of state? Are there major treaties that she has undertaken and negotiated through to a successful conclusion? I think the answer to all those questions is that she has not."....
Through Hillary, the United States groveled before the world over the Mohammed video
 Hillary Botches Civil Rights Hero's Name  "Medgar Evans."   And next is the incident that was the last straw leading to my resignation from the Democrat Party. You can read the letter of resignation to the Democrats in the right sidebar of this blog. TD

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