Thursday, September 11, 2014

Is you is or is you isn't Islamic?

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Obama: Islamic State 'Is Not Islamic'   "Addressing the nation from the White House, he used the opportunity to repeat the administration’s rejection of the jihadists' claim to be acting on behalf of Islam." ...
On What Is and Is Not Islamic   "During his speech last night, President Obama declared, “ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.” It is certainly true that the vast majority of the victims of ISIS, as the group is more commonly known, have been Muslim as have been the majority of victims of other radical Islamist movements, it is not the job of any president to decree what is and is not Islam; what is and is not Christianity; and what is and is not Judaism. For all practical purposes, religion is what its practitioners believe it to be, not what an American president says it is." ...

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