Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Two Americas

If America is even today at fault for slavery, then the present Democrat Party is still to be considered  the founder of the Ku Klux Klan.

American Thinker   "Why did it take until 100 years after the Civil War, until 1964, to pass a Civil Rights Act? Because the Democratic Party would not take its boot off the neck of the black man until Martin Luther King made the black vote a political force. Dedicated to being in power above all else, the Democrats had to make a U-turn on their race policy in the 1960s and join the Republicans in passing the Civil Rights Act because they realized that after the black vote was counted, they were not going to win any more national elections without it.

"But there was a problem. How was the Democratic Party going to overcome its deplorable record on race? It was the party of slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Klan." ...
"The black family had withstood 250 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow, but was destroyed by 50 years of Liberalism."
Read more:

"Let’s compare the cultural attributes of Enterprise America and Welfare America."
Enterprise America
Welfare America
Republican Party
Democratic Party
Stay in school
School unimportant – drop out
Get by contributing
Get by demanding
identifying customer needs, making yourself and your product attractive to a customer
In your face:
intimidating those around you
Achievement is “privilege”
Personal responsibility
Society’s fault
Historic success – example of America to the world
Historic failure – socialist societies everywhere
Building wealth
Supported by builders of wealth
Making personal and family history
Supporting a strong community
No stake in community; gang as community

... "And when rage flares up, what happens? Welfare America attacks Enterprise America. Businesses with no relationship to the altercation are burned down because they are not seen as an authentic part of the community." ...

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