Thursday, October 23, 2014

Karl Rove's concealment of Saddam's WMD gave us Obama, Pelosi, Reid and all they have wrought


American Thinker  "Karl Rove has come under fire for masterminding the Bush Administration policy of hiding the discovery of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."
"I want to know who exactly suggested this policy? Did it come from the generals? If so, who?  Rove is now free to talk, and he owes us an explanation. I suspect he has none, because it was his own idea. This strategy was absolutely catastrophic; we have ISIS because of it, we have had the disaster that is the Obama Administration and all it has wrought, trillions in spending, socialized medicine, abuse of dissenters by government, open borders, etc. because of the upwelling in disgust for the GOP brand because of it. Karl Rove owes us answers." Full article

This is the propaganda from the left that was never refuted by the Bush Administration:

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