Sunday, October 25, 2015

Tim Allen and Jay Leno take on Obama

Via I Never Surrender   "Watching TV nowadays has been made much tougher than it used to be thanks to LIBERALS. Many shows that could be really good are ruined by political correctness and a blatant liberal agenda. Some shows are just un-watchable from the get go for the same reason. The extreme foulness of libs in general." . . .

. . . "Back in November of 2012 Allen’s character took on a group of controversial issues in a single joke. In the episode, Mike explains to his daughters, “Let me put this in perspective with the inheritance tax. Now, one day I am going to die and I will split things up and give it to you guys, right? The Democrats will tax that inheritance and probably use that money to throw gay weddings for illegal aliens . . . if the Democrats win, the only thing you will inherit is a $16 trillion debt.' ” . . .

Hey, we had to endure decades of "Law & Order" trashing Republicans by name, so tough toenails. TD

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