Monday, March 14, 2016

"You Are Not Alone"

Mike Adams
"Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to a Young Progressive: How To Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You Don't Understand."

. . . "On that particular September morning when I was kneeling by the bed something interrupted the normal prayer process. It was this feeling of uncontrollable anger. It was so strong that I suddenly stop praying and started confronting God with questions. “Why have you left me alone to fight against these godless secularists?” “Why have you abandoned me after I have come to faith and taken a stand?” “Why have you left me weary and without the energy to go on?” And, finally, “Why won’t you cure me of the propensity to end my sentences with prepositions?” Just kidding on the last one."

" . . .I had a single message sent from a woman I met working at Summit Ministries several years earlier. The message was a literal Godsend. I have copied her words below and not a single one has been altered:

Hey Mike! So, this is really random, but tonight I was talking with the Father and He put you on my heart to be praying for. Sometimes He shows me pictures or gives me specific words also, and He gave me some for you. First, I saw you kneeling and it looked like you were all alone in a dark place somewhere. But then He let me see that picture zoomed out, and I realized you weren't alone or lost in darkness, you were inside His heart. Then I heard Him say that you have a very special place inside His heart. In addition, I pray specifically against any weariness or abandonment in your life and that you speak out His abundance, joy, comfort, and encouragement! You are not alone!!
. . . " Regardless, I thought it would be good to run this column for any of my readers who are presently in a dark place. The picture will eventually zoom out. Then you will see that you weren't really alone or abandoned in the darkness."

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