Thursday, June 1, 2017

What the House Subpoenas of Rice, Brennan, and Power in the ‘Unmasking’ Probe Mean

"It’s not all about Russia."

Andrew C. McCarthy  "The House Intelligence Committee has reportedly issued seven subpoenas in connection with its investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and of the Obama administration’s potentially illegal use of the government’s foreign-intelligence-collection power for the purpose of monitoring Americans — in particular, Americans connected to the Trump campaign and transition. 

"The news was broken Wednesday afternoon by the Wall Street Journal.

" The most intriguing detail of the subpoenas is the demand for any information related to requests for unmasking by Samantha Power, President Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations. “Unmasking” is the revealing in intelligence reports of the identities of Americans whose communications (or information about whom) have been “incidentally” intercepted during foreign-intelligence-collection operations." . . .  Read More

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