Saturday, December 30, 2017

The problem of Nancy

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Richard Rail  "She's kind of drifted off the front pages thanks to Harveygate, but Nancy Pelosi is a lingering problem for Democrats in 2018.  The old girl's lost it, but she refuses to go away.  They might get crazy Maxine Waters to talk to her, but Maxine's so race-paranoid and Nancy so feminist-suspicious that they might gang up on the party and take them to court.
"And win.
"But if they use Maxine to get rid of Nancy, what happens to the plan to use Nancy to get rid of Maxine?  And once both are gone, who will make bonehead comments and stupid allegations about Republicans when the Democrats have nothing to say – which is usually – but need to get some face time on the news lest America forget who they are again?
"And who will provide comic relief?
"Other Dems are too scared to ask Hillary's help in, er, getting rid of Nancy because Hillary might turn to Huma and the Muzzie Brotherhood, who don't always use the best of judgment and might blow away Democrat headquarters.  That would certainly solve the problem, since there would then be no one left to think there is a problem, but..."  . . . 
Nancy's past favorites:
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