Monday, February 26, 2018

FL Shooting Survivor: Sheriff 'Virtue-Signaling Against the NRA'

Fox News Insider  "A survivor of the Florida school shooting spoke out against the Broward County sheriff as well as those who are injecting gun control politics into the tragedy.

"Kyle Kashuv said Gov. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and others have done "definitely enough" to bring attention to school safety issues." . . .

"He said the mental health issue is a "bipartisan" topic, and that people should be coming together rather than retreating to political corners.

"Kashuv said Sheriff Scott Israel "outraged" him with his conduct at Wednesday's televised town hall event."

"Israel railed against the National Rifle Association and its key spokeswoman, Dana Loesch.

"Meanwhile, Kashuv said Israel likely knew about his department's shortcomings, in that several officers remained outside during the gunfire.

"Kashuv said Israel was "virtue signaling against the NRA" and "didn't even act properly."

"He said Israel's department failed the community and that the Democrat "absolutely needs to resign" his elected post." . . .

. . . "These gullible outliers don’t change the fact that the rest of the GOP is solid. That’s why the left is changing the rules and trashing our norms to do what they can’t do politically through intimidation. They have cultural power and we don’t, and they now seek to use businesses to destroy our rights and silence our voices. Understand that they don’t want an argument or a conversation - they want to use their non-governmental cultural power to deny us access to a platform so that we are unable to make our views heard. We need to recognize this dangerous trend and counterattack ruthlessly with our political power," . . .

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