Sunday, March 4, 2018

Zhee Whiz: Looking for Hate in the Wrong Places

When this extreme silliness pervades a society, how can it's viability as a nation continue? TD
Clarice Feldman  "Expanding on the growing institutional campaign to use gender-neutral pronouns, the University of Tennessee has confected up some new ones:"

"Students are increasingly coming to college ill prepared to do the work required, and the (overstaffed) administrations are still piddling about inventing new ways to tongue-tie pupils, ignoring that the English language – unlike, for example, Romance-based ones, Hebrew, Greek, and German – is remarkably devoid of gender specificity except for the basic pronouns, which clarify meaning.  Try this out with zhee: Tom and Mary went to school.  Zhee passed; zhee flunked out.  Who?
"Not tongue-tied is the odious Louis Farrakhan, friend of many top Democrats, including Keith Ellison, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Democratic Congressman Danny Davis, and former president Obama.
"This past week, Farrakhan unleashed a ridiculous diatribe to an audience, which included one of the leaders of the upcoming Women's March (several of whom have allied with him) silence from Democrats and those who find aggressions and microaggressions even in ordinary grammar:" . . .

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