Monday, October 15, 2018

One union guy who's fired up for Trump

If people like Westbrook and Vogel coalesce around the GOP, the Democrats could be in trouble. And if the Democrats keep supporting people who claw at the doors of the Supreme Court in protest, or harass Republicans and their families at dinners, or talk nonstop about impeachment or echo Hillary Clinton’s sentiment that: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for,” then they may do what I thought unlikely: stop their own blue wave mid-flow
NY Post  "Jason Vogel is fired up to vote. He says his passion crystallized two weeks ago when he saw just how chaotic Washington would be if the Democrats seized power in Congress. When Democratic senators smeared Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as an attempted rapist without proof, and angry protestors stormed the Capitol, he says he grew increasingly concerned.

“ 'Hard to imagine that occurring every day, but you begin to realize that is exactly what would happen if I didn’t turn out to vote,” he said.

"Vogel is with his family at the Erie Insurance Arena to rally for Trump and local GOP Congressman Mike Kelly, who is running for re-election. The Vogels are seated far away from the stage, but that doesn’t seem to dampen their enthusiasm.

"The 40-year-old union steward for the local Teamsters 397 says he became motivated to vote for Kelly when he realized everything important to him is being championed by President Trump and is on Kelly’s ballot: “The Second Amendment, trade, job creation and keeping a good economy going, that comes to a daily fight if the Republicans lose the midterms,” he said.

“ 'A lot of my friends feel the same way. We ask ourselves, ‘Why would you vote Democrat?’ Our lives certainly weren’t better under their way of doing business.' ” . . .

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