Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trying to learn about the NZ mosque murderer

New Zealand community rushes to aid mosque shooting victims amid gunfire, reports say  . . . " 'We heard rapid-fire semi-automatic shots and saw people running out of the mosque, fall on the ground in front of us on the side of the road," Carl Pomare, a manager for employment agency Naki Labour Hire, told the Herald of the scene outside the Masjid Al Noor mosque. "I said to my mate, 'We need to do something.'" . . .

No matter what the shooter's religion, if any; Muslims will consider him a Christian just as I heard some call the Oklahoma City bomber., raised Catholic but claimed agnosticism. TD

Facebook Streaming, Location Made New Zealand Attack Unusual Act of Terrorism

Don’t Exploit Christchurch; The New Zealand massacre was an act of pure evil, but it should not serve as an excuse to silence frank discussion about Islam and mass immigration.  How sad that it all happened in the city with such a holy  name. TD
. . . "Now, on the opposite side of the globe from Norway, another evil act of mass carnage has taken place. Once again, there are two crime scenes: a pair of mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, at which dozens of Muslims were shot to death while at Friday prayer. The death toll, at this writing, has reached 49. Once again, there’s an online manifesto charging that Western leaders, by encouraging the influx of Muslims into the West, have served the cause of cultural suicide. (Whether the manifesto is a reflection of the alleged gunman’s actual views or was simply designed as a provocation remains to be seen.) Once again, a young man previously unknown to the authorities has been taken into custody. And once again, politicians, reporters, and commentators are exploiting this atrocity for their own political purposes." . . .

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