Saturday, March 16, 2019

The apology factory: Chelsea grovels - to defender of Jew-hating Omar; Nancy shows fear in her eyes

Are we looking at the beginning of a Congressional Islamic Caucus?
You never give anti-Semites so much as a millimeter of ground, and she ought to know it. It just goes to show how weak and tenuous the Democratic elites' claims to supporting condemnation against anti-Semitism really are. Chelsea Clinton folded like a cheap suit, when she should have pulled out her inner attack dog.
Democrats fold the same way before murderous dictators. TD 

Monica Showalter  "To anyone but Stanford- and Oxford-educated Chelsea Clinton, it ought to be a no-brainer to tell defenders of anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar to go (k)iss up a rope.

"These jackasses decided that Chelsea Clinton's statements decrying the massacre at two mosques in New Zealand, by some self-described fascist freak, were hypocrisy, all because Clinton criticized Omar for her multiple Jew-hating tweets and statements. The statements against what came out of Omar's mouth, see, were what actually triggered the killings.

"10,000 miles around the world, Chelsea Clinton's criticisms were the very thing that activated Brandon Tarrant to fly to New Zealand from Australia, and then shoot up two places of worship and the people within.

"Somebody got a logic meter? Because this one would knock the needle off the scale.

"Chelsea, in that half-baked 'that you feel that way' of hers, decided to apologize. The Daily Caller reports:

“I’m so sorry that you feel that way. It was certainly never my intention. I do believe words matter. I believe we have to show solidarity,” Clinton stated when approached by students.

"It would have been a no-brainer, even for her, to come up with some pablum about not liking hate of any kind, making her way through some student memorial among the privileged hipsters of Greenwich Village." . . .

The left's "Apology Factory"
. . . "Coercions of public apologies vary from case to case. Some are benign: for example, when Steve Martin was forced to apologize for calling Carrie Fisher attractive. Others are quite malignant, like the recent attack by Media Matters on Tucker Carlson. The intent of course, not only was to force Carlson to apologize for the comments he made on a radio show years ago, but more importantly, to start the process of silencing his voice." . . .
. . . "This ideological strategy that Media Matters chose has backfired in the case of Carlson because the Fox News host did not respond as they hoped he would. Carlson, quite rightly, refused to yield to their demands and has not issued an apology." . . .

The fear in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes is what I’ll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair  "Nancy Pelosi doesn’t turn away from a fight, but turned away from a fight with Omar. That tells you how serious the situation is."
. . . Omar is no child, and she knew exactly what she was saying and she meant it. Pelosi knew that, but was afraid to say it." . . .

Contrast the above with this:

 Sitting in at Speaker Pelosi's office to protest failure to condemn Rep. Omar
. . . "It was very successful, covered by Reuters, FoxBreitbart, CNS News, Christian Broadcast Network, Heritage, Daily Signal, and many more.  We began the event with a speech by me in front of the speaker's office, with a full crowd of people.  (There is a video from Breitbart here.)"

Bottom Line: Omar should be censured and, beyond that, removed from the powerful and influential House Foreign Affairs Committee that you, Madam Speaker, surprisingly granted to this first year legislator. Omar’s thinking, her conduct, and her blithe willingness to inject anti-Semitic tropes into the legislative process, make her unfit to hold such a strategic position.
Rabbi Aryeh Spero,
National Conference of Jewish Affairs

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