Thursday, January 9, 2020

Trump Unbound

J.R. Dunn  "One major point is being overlooked concerning the “impeachment”: now that the impeachment weapon has been unsheathed, and swung, and shattered into myriad pieces without so much as scratching its target, the Dems have absolutely nothing to use against Trump. In fact, it can be doubted that they will ever again have anything to use against Trump.
"Impeachment is over – Pelosi admitted as much when she issued her pro forma State of the Nation invitation to the President only days after the impeachment vote. She has still failed to present the articles to the Senate, but it’s all anticlimax at this point. Only a few hysterics on either side of the spectrum have any doubt as to how this is going to work out.
So what do they come up with next? Well, nothing much. Al Green (I’m convinced that he got most of his votes from people who confused him with the great gospel singer) may bluster all he likes about “another impeachment,” but it’s all gas. A second impeachment on the heels of a failed first attempt would simply be a plunge into the depths of absurdity. If impeachment is an awe-inspiring spectacle of a democratic government arisen in wrath, a second attempt scarcely rises to the level of a joke. Best just to appoint Green to the chairmanship of the Permanent Trump Impeachment Committee and be done with it.
"No – they hit him with an attempt to subvert electors, with the Mueller investigation, with the emoluments clause, with the 25th Amendment, and then with impeachment. And all of it simply bounced off. As it stands, Donald Trump is now beyond any legal, procedural method of harassment. He has been investigated to a fare-thee-well, and less has been found than would on you, me, or the Dalai Lama. Consider how much we know about his persecutors – Pelosi, Tlaib, Omar -- and then look at Trump." . . .
Cocaine Mitch pounds Nancy Pelosi into a powder  ("Cocaine Mitch"? Declared false)
. . . "It's gotten so bad it's now Senate Democrats who are warning Pelosi to drop the clown show, because her delay as leverage was starting to render Democrats irrelevant." . . .
. . . " The impreachment process is not only rendering Democrats irrelevant as voters get bored of hearing each day of Pelosi's delay, coming on the heels of her rush-rush impeachment, it's actually damaging them." . . .
. . . "Now she's blown it. Caught between the baying-for-impeachment Squad and the solid wall of Mitch McConnell, who like her, understands power, she's trapped. It's either get impeachment over with, or let it bleed her party out of power." . . .

Pelosi now has Democrats calling her out

Earl of Taint

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