Thursday, January 9, 2020

Graham accuses Republicans dissenting on Iran of ‘empowering the enemy’

NY Post  "Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) accused two Republican senators of “empowering the enemy” for supporting a Democratic war powers resolution that would limit President Trump’s capacity to use military force amid escalating attacks and tensions with Iran.
"Responding to comments from Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in which they slammed a meeting with Trump administration officials on Iranian aggression, Graham offered some choice words for his colleagues.
“ 'They’re libertarians. I think they’re overreacting, quite frankly. Go debate all you want to. I’m going to debate you. Trust me, I’m going to let people know that at this moment in time to play this game with the war powers act…whether you mean to or not, you’re empowering the enemy,” the Senate Judiciary chairman told reporters Wednesday.
"Following a Tuesday evening briefing for senators on the unfolding situation with Iran, Lee and Paul expressed their fury and exasperation at the meeting to reporters." . . .
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"Paul jumped in with a similar sentiment, saying, “They have justified the killing of an Iranian general as being something that Congress gave them permission to do in 2002. That is absurd, that’s an insult.”
"Following Graham’s remarks, the Kentucky Republican went on CNN to slam his GOP colleague’s choice of words" . . .

So where do dissenting Republicans go for a sympathetic ear? Why CNN, of course!

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