Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Woke Chaos and Naked Power

. . . Shut up. Believe. Repeat. The chaos of the moment isn't a bug; it's a feature. And the more confused we are, the less we can possibly hold together, despite the fact that nearly all Americans agree on the most important issues." . . .

Ben Shapiro  . . . "Instead, the country seems to be falling apart. That's because of the utterly chaotic political and media response to the Floyd tragedy: a response that demands agreement but, most of all, requires compliance. You must kneel.
"You must kneel because you cannot understand. You simply cannot. If you have to ask for a definition of systemic privilege, we are told, it's because your white privilege has blinded you to reality. If you point out that not all inequality is inequity, we are told, it is because your latent racism is leeching into your worldview. If you defend America's history, philosophy and culture -- or, God forbid, her flag -- you must apologize. And, if Drew Brees is any indicator, your wife must also apologize, and your second cousin once removed.
"You may not understand what is being demanded of you. You may see the wave of conflicting messages emanating from the press and wonder just what you're supposed to do. But the chaos is the point. You are supposed to be confused. Confusion is a political weapon. Clarity is a shield. If our media and political class can prevent clarity, they can prevent unity; if they can obscure, they can demand acquiescence." . . .
. . . "Thus, we hear that the rioting and looting were exaggerated by the media, or that they were largely the product of white antifa members. But we also hear that rioting and looting are the justified outgrowth of centuries of black rage. You cannot, therefore, oppose rioting and looting too strenuously, lest you be labeled a racist." . . .

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