Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The police need us right now

The police need us right now  "The Democrats have thrown the police under the bus and are unleashing their goons on America.

"The police are now being hunted out in the open and are being shot in cold blood.  Rioters, meanwhile, are physically obstructing life-saving care to downed officers, and some are laughing.

"How can law enforcement continue to protect us if we don't speak out in their defense?  Speak up, America, and fight for the protectors.

"Voices come in many forms.  Millions of whispers and gestures can conquer thousands of screamers and slammers.

"Tell local law enforcement that you support them and appreciate them.  Send letters and cards thanking your town's police.  Get your thin-blue-line gear on and flags out.  Write local and state elected officials in support of pro-police policies, legislation, and funding before it is on their chopping block agenda.  Help out a police family.  Support a police spouse.  Contribute to police organizations.  Let your schools know that you support school resource officers.  Start a scholarship for children of police.  Participate in a pro-police rally.  Pray for the police.  Remember and honor fallen officers.  Seek out and support pro-police candidates in your town, region, and state.  Get out the vote for law enforcement candidates.  Get together with pro-police friends to share ideas and actionable steps.  Tell the child of an officer how proud you are of his mom and dad.

"President Trump is the number-one law-and-order leader in our nation.  But he needs all of our voices and votes to save our police, and in turn save our families, communities, and nation from the deadly goons.  We need to protect the protectors.  Let your voices be heard."

Where was any "Wall of Moms" to protect these police officers? One of whom is a mom.

Watch: ‘Wall of Moms’ protect rioters in Portland from federal officers, chant ‘all cops are bastards’ 

No moms were there to protect these officers:

Let's take a moment to applaud that unnamed female deputy's courage  . . . "After they were shot, neither deputy had any idea whether there would be more bullets coming.  The female deputy, despite her injuries, managed to get her more badly wounded partner to safety behind a pillar.  She then saved his life with a tourniquet, after which she radioed headquarters for help.  This is a woman you want at your back in any fight.  She kept her cool, never lost her situational awareness, and triumphed over what must have been unimaginable pain and fear.

"The following pictures and videos are graphic, raw, and disturbing.  I think, though, that we need to see them because this is what Democrats are doing to America with their race wars and wars on the police.  They are engaged in an overarching, doggedly determined, and unrelenting effort to undermine any semblance of law and order or civil society in America."

Watch this guy rejoicing over the shooting

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