Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps?

They would rather see a mentally compromised man be elected president of the U.S. than let the best president in decades be re-elected because his outsider status, his blunt talk, and his successes offend them.  The "why" of their offense at Trump's existence is a mystery. 

God bless Kayleigh McEnany for suffering these fools daily

Patricia McCarthy  "Well, there is Antifa, the violent arm of BLM, the Muslim Brotherhood, et al., but for what is supposed to be an assemblage of professional, objective journalists, this White House press corps is about as mature as a clique of mean girls in any middle school.

"They are as politically deluded as Baghdad Bob, pathetically self-important, ridiculously overly impressed with their own positions of power and influence, and as malicious as Shakespeare's Iago.  When they do not get their way, they act out like toddlers in the throes of a tantrum.  This has all been true since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president.  In their view, so presumptuous was his foolish attempt to be president that they set out to sabotage him from moment one, to utterly destroy him by any means necessary.

"The long list of their failures in this endeavor is legion and would be humorous if it were a Dickens novel, but it is the White House press corps!  While their glee at the news that Trump had contracted COVID was shameful, their hysteria over his brief ride in The Beast to wave to supporters outside the hospital, their abject fury at his being released from Walter Reed today, was beyond redemption.  These people are seriously mentally ill.  They wanted him to die, and he didn't.". . . 

 The mainstream media has actually been the enemy of the people for many years but the damage they do has escalated and become institutionalized. It became downright Sovietized during the Obama administration. It fell in with Obama's race-baiting anti-Americanism, his determination to "transform" this nation into something very unlike the Founders' vision, and more. Obama hated our Constitution. For the media, Obama could do no wrong while in fact he was doing terrible damage to the country on numerous levels. But he hypnotized our submissive media and made them his own propaganda machine. Hillary counted on their continued loyalty which she would have had and does have; they report nothing about her devising the Russia hoax to derail Trump. She belongs in prison for treason but they will

protect her to the bitter end and her end will be bitter despite the fawning media. President Trump has done us all favor. His fearlessness has exposed the media for who and what they are, a childish cabal of petty thugs who whine when they don't get the answers they want from the President or his staff. They will one day reap what they have sown, the opprobrium they deserve.

The Media Coverage Of Trump’s Covid Diagnosis Was A Disgrace "Yes, there were some people who straight up wished the president, his wife and others affected at the White House would jut die already, but most responses were more muted, along the lines of “we all hope the best for the first family, but …”

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