Wednesday, October 14, 2020

'READY TO HELP' Hillary Clinton says she’s ready to serve in a Biden administration and help ‘fix’ America

The Sun    "HILLARY Clinton has said she would serve in Joe Biden's administration in order to "fix" the country.

"Speaking at the 19th Represents Summit on Thursday, Clinton said: "I’m ready to help in any way I can." . . .

"When Clinton endorsed Biden, she said: "Just think of what a difference it would make right now if we had a president who not only listened to the science, put facts over fiction, but brought us together."

" '[Someone who] showed the kind of compassion and caring that we need from our president, and which Joe Biden has been exemplifying throughout his entire life."

" 'Think of what it would mean if we had a real president and not just someone who plays one on TV."

"Clinton, who ran against Donald Trump four years ago, is in full support of Biden's VP pick of Kamala Harris, according to 19thnews.

“ 'I still hope, especially with Kamala on the ticket, that the coverage of women running for president or vice president will be less sexist, less sensationalist, less trivializing," she said.

“ 'I told them that they would just have to be ready for that and be able to ride through it.”

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