Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Suspicious Dem questions for Amy Coney Barrett suggest a set-up

Suspicious Dem questions for Amy Coney Barrett suggest a set-up  "For those who have watched the Senate confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court justice, we know one thing:  facing the inevitability of her confirmation, the Democrats are using this entire hearing as a big, fat campaign ad for Joe Biden.  It's all about COVID, the ACA, and health care — just like his entire shtick for the last few months. 

"But is this really all they are up to?  History proves that the Dems are usually up to no good, especially when they seem to be behaving.  It's possible they will just use the remainder of their time to filibuster, talk at the nominee, try to humiliate her, and push her into saying something inflammatory that they can use against her nomination and the president.  It's possible they are just going to let the process play out and only hope to gain some political advantage from it — nothing more." . . .

. . . "Putting it all together, my guess is that they have someone who will say ACB made offensive remarks about his sex directly to him, in a class, or in one of her legal opinions, and that this caused the accuser irreparable harm, pain, and suffering.  This  person might go even farther and claim (lie) that he were sexually harassed by her.  

"So buckle up, girls and boys (and those who self-identify as girls and boys).  The Dems are poised to pull another Kavanaugh on our nominee and Bork the living hell out of her.  I may be wrong about this, but if I'm not, the Republicans had better not capitulate to the Dems.  They must put on their big boy pants, ignore the Dems wholesale, call the vote, and swear Barrett in faster than you can say Biden/Harris."

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