Friday, April 16, 2021

Many conversations about CNN lately

 A CNN employee continues to give away devastating trade secrets - American Thinker   "As is always the case with Project Veritas, it doesn’t stop with one video. Instead, day after day, there’s a steady drip, drip, drip of incriminating videos about Project Veritas’s target – in this case, CNN. Two days ago, we learned that CNN boss Jeff Zucker instructed employees to do everything they could, including lying, to ensure Trump’s loss and Biden’s win. On Thursday, the latest video revealed that you weren’t imagining it when you suspected CNN of deliberately slanting its racial coverage to protect Blacks and Black Lives Matter.

"There’s an interesting change of tone in Thursday’s video. In the video released on Tuesday, CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester was boastfully triumphant as he explained how CNN deliberately set about to undermine Trump and bolster Biden. He was proud of the “propaganda” that pushed Jeff Zucker’s (and, presumably, all of the CNN employees’) partisan agenda.

"In the latest video, about CNN’s deliberate effort to hide a malefactor’s race if he or she is Black, Chester seems sad and confused. He clearly finds it disheartening that the plaster saints he’s constructed in his own mind every time he thinks about Blacks actually have some ugly breaks in them.

"The video opens with Chester confessing to doing his own research and discovering unmediated facts about the rash of attacks on Asian people: . . ."

"These videos are fascinating but it’s important that the correct people see them. After all, Leftists don’t care that lying, manipulative propaganda is being used to advance their agenda. Meanwhile, conservatives already know that this is happening and are simply happy to have corroboration. It’s the independents, the ones who naively think the media is honest, who need to see this video so that they can fully understand that they’re living in a world of lies and start seeking the truth."

IMAGE: CNN propaganda re BLM. YouTube screengrab.

CNN Staffer Admits Network is Trying to Help Black Lives Matter But There's Something in the Way

Twitter has purged Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe, who will file a lawsuit against them Monday, but the show goes on, right? O’Keefe is in the midst of revealing multiple videos on his outlet’s investigation into the inner workings at CNN.

James O'Keefe to Sue Twitter Over Suspension Following CNN Sting Videos

CNN Director Admits to Protecting Black Lives Matter's Narrative, Frustrated Over Their Actions – RedState   "The Project Veritas undercover sting of CNN technical Director Charlie Chester continues into its third day, this time focusing on CNN’s involvement in protecting Black Lives Matter.

"The first videos can be seen by clicking on the links below.

"(READ: Project Veritas Video Reveals How CNN Manipulates Guests, Uses Virus Deaths to Hype Ratings)

"In the newest video, Chester admits to researching Asian hate and the attacks they’ve endured recently, but found that it was primarily black men who were assaulting them.

“ 'A bunch of black men that have been attacking Asians,” he said. “I’m like, ‘What are you doing?'” . . .

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