Saturday, May 22, 2021

"So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?"

"Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it."

Jack Cashill  . . . "Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

“ 'Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”

"In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

"For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought was the waves at Waikiki.

"Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it." . . .

A new book savagely attacks Obama from the left . . . "This coming week, a new book launches a scathing attack on that former secular saint, Barack Obama.

"Since 2008, Barack Obama has been the Democrat party.  He was the president who could do no wrong.  Every political attack against him was discounted as "racism."  He was more charming, more intelligent, more emotionally attuned, more effective, and more just everything good than any man who had ever occupied the White House, including Washington," . . . Jefferson, and Lincoln combined.  (All of them were racists.)" . . .

. . . "There is much more in the Daily Mail article about Obama's destructive arrogance, sense of entitlement, greed, and ego, as well as his obscene rants about Trump.  As far as I'm concerned, the damage he did to the Democrat brand is yet more evidence that America supported Trump, not Biden, in 2020."

Obama closes down memorials

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