Friday, October 22, 2021

The Democrat circus

 The world must regard America as a silly nation, no longer worthy of respect. Nations sheltering under our wings now have to feel they are alone in facing their enemies.

Tony Branco

Democrats Sink in Battleground States While Americans Wonder Who Is Running the Country
Maybe Biden is in a similar situation because he is using the same formula. He proposed colossal spending packages for projects that will take years just to receive permits. Meanwhile, Americans are supposed to be content with a raft of social programs that no one asked for. It wasn’t a winning formula in 2010 and does not appear to be any more popular now.

‘Down the hall’: Biden says Jill booted him from bedroom for dropping free college  ..."In a joking moment during Thursday night’s town-hall meeting on CNN, Mr. Biden was asked about the reaction from first lady [college teacher] Jill Biden to the news that the proposal for two free years of community college had been dropped from his $3.5 trillion spending bill."

Biden Says First Responders, Police Who Refuse Vaccine Mandates Should Be Fired

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