Monday, March 7, 2022

The Babi Yar ravine in Kiev is the site of some of the worst massacres of World War II.

... Anyway, the coverage from Babi yar made the headlines both in Soviet and US media and shattered the recent skepticism (in Western media) regarding the genocide on an industrial scale, the one which would be overcome only in 1944-1945 with the horrors of the concentration (Buchenwald, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen) and death camps. ...

Babi Yar today: History and Photos of Babi Yar ravine (  . . ."Those doomed to death were separated in small groups and convoyed down to the ravine under the supervision of Sonderkommando 4a officers. As for the open site itself, there was no direct visibility of the spurs of the ravine from that point: natural ups obscured the ravine and narrow foot passes allowed it to get down. Fated Jews had a devastating ability to hear the gunshots as well as screams of the previous groups. Regardless of the conventional misinterpretation (that all people were killed on a very tiny section of the ravine) of the topography of Babi yar, the 29-30 September 1941 massacre was put into action within a vast part of the ravine, at least 500 meters in length. The shootings were assigned to three separate killing squads, made of the mixed members of Sonderkommando 4a, Waffen-SS, and 45 police battalion: each of the squad operated in its own part of the ravine.". . .

Remembering Babyn Yar and Ukraine's forgotten 'Holocaust by Bullets' - BBC News

. . ."On October 2, 1941Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer of the Third Reich, visited the city of Kyiv as a part of his ‘working visit’ to occupied Ukraine. FRIEDRICH JECKELN, one of the architects of the Babi yar massacre and the annihilation of the Jews in Kyiv, reported to the Reichsfuhrer on the results of the ‘Sonderauftrag’ and later organized a gala party for the executioners under his command. Jeckeln made a pompous speech all while condoning the crimes. The overwhelming majority of the members of the special squads (beyond Kyiv as well) used to regard the fate of their victims indifferent and cold-bloodedly, conventionally justifying taken measures, thus mas killing. Any disaffection on the killing of helpless civilians and POWs in Kyiv was voiced within this ‘festive occasion’. Along with that, the German executioners included a small proportion of men, who empathized with the victims of the racial war and even took diligent actions.". . .  

A final comment: 
  1. @David Kirschner

    It was the Soviet army to the rescue of my mother who endured unimaginable evil while imprisoned in Auschwitz. Fast forward to 2022 and this time it’s the Soviets who have unleashed their brand of inexplicable violence in Ukraine.


Putin’s attack on memory at Babyn Yar - The Boston Globe   . . ."But the missile strike, which killed five people and damaged Kyiv’s iconic TV tower as well as a building that was slated for use as a Holocaust museum, underscored more than the tragic consequences of this Russian war of aggression. It serves as a reminder that older Soviet dreams of empire — the same dreams now being revived by Vladimir Putin — have always been shadowed by a devastating war on memory itself.". . .

. ."When I recited Babi Yar for the first time in public, there was an avalanche of silence. I was absolutely shocked - paralysed.

And afterwards a very, very little old woman with grey hair and a cane - her cane had been knocking against the stage - she came to me in the dead silence.

She said just one sentence, "I was in Babi Yar." She was one of the survivors who crawled from under the mountain of dead bodies.

The poem was a criticism of anti-Semitism worldwide, including Soviet anti-Semitism, and was against all kinds of racism. 

"The testimony of Obergefreiter Hans Isenmann, of the SS division “Viking”, at the trial of case No.1679 “On the atrocities committed by fascist invaders on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.” Kiev, January 19, 1946."

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