Tuesday, April 12, 2022

11 Examples Of How Evil Is Growing In America Like A Cancerous Tumor


"Have you heard of “arterial tapping,” “flakka” or “cyberextortion”?  In America today, just about every conceivable type of evil that you could possibly name is growing, and we are even inventing new kinds of evil that the world has never seen before.  It is very easy for us to point to the looting and violence in Baltimore and call that evil, but there is far more to the social decay of America than just that.  The foundations of our society are rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways, and our biggest problem as a nation is what is found inside our own hearts.  We have rejected the values and principles that were handed down to us by previous generations of Americans because we believed that we knew better than they did.  But now look at us.  Our country is falling apart all around us, and we only have ourselves to blame.  The following are 11 examples of how evil is growing in America like a cancerous tumor…". . .
#2 A school principal in Wisconsin is in hot water for approving a poster that encourages young men to protect the character of the young women they are taking to prom.  In the old days, this would only be common sense.  But these days, the poster is being condemned as “sexist” and has created a national scandal…

 #10 So much of our social decay is rooted in the decline of the American family.  Sadly, the truth is that our families have been steadily deteriorating for decades.  The following comes from a recent article by Dennis Prager…

. . ."Jonathan Cahn, the author of The Mystery of the Shemitah, believes that America is making many of the very same mistakes that ancient Israel did…

“They Drove God Out Of The Government. They Worshiped Idols And Served Other Gods. They Celebrated Immorality And They Persecuted Righteousness. The Blessings Of God Were Removed And Replaced With Judgments,” He Said. 

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