Tuesday, April 5, 2022

‘It’s Illegal to Kill People’: Twitter Explains to David Hogg Why His Human-Killing License Idea is Bad

Go home and grow up, David. Maybe then your friends at CNN will take you more seriously than you think they do now, 

 David Hogg's Idea for Murder Licensing Not a Hit on Twitter (mediaite.com) "In a Saturday tweet, anti-gun activist David Hogg seems to have come up with a new plot twist on the often retold plot of “The Most Dangerous Game”, the 1924 short story about a man hunting human beings that has spawned movies and copycat stories for decades.

“If you need a license to kill deer why don’t you need one to kill humans?” asked Hogg in his tweet.". . . 

Jonah Goldberg tweeted: I'll type slowly so you can keep up. Because we don't give out licenses to kill humans. We charge people who intentionally kill humans -- save in self-defense -- with committing a crime (in some cases punishable by death). Maybe you've seen too many James Bond movies?

Leon Wolf: Raise the voting age to 30 maybe

This kid was accepted to Harvard. What does that say about Harvard?

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