Tuesday, April 5, 2022

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials

December 17, 2021 Update On Lindell’s Supreme Court Election Fraud Case! - The True Defender !

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials (foxla.com)

Lindell has continued to push bogus claims of election fraud since Trump’s loss to Biden in the presidential race. MyPillow’s logo was also prominently featured on TrumpMarch.com, a website that promoted the Jan. 6 events in Washington, in which rioters stormed the Capitol.

 "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claims he has been prohibited from appearing in some of his company's commercials. 

" ' I had 12 TV stations just the other day now say that I couldn't be in the commercials. I cannot personally be in them," Lindell said during an interview with the Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) on Saturday. 

"Lindell, a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, did not say specifically which stations had stopped him from appearing but called them "smaller networks."

" 'They want my voice stopped," Lindell said. He added that he had only heard the news about his appearance ban the day before. 

" 'Believe me, they cancel, they will never get to sell my product again," he said. 

"During the interview, Lindell also said that customers who buy his pillow products were in a unique situation because they "were supporting getting rid of" the voting machines "[and] everything we're doing to save our country," while also getting a "good product." . . .More here: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials (foxla.com)

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