Friday, July 28, 2023

The Left's War On Joy

  American Thinker

Wokeism aims to decrease the human population simply by reducing the joy that makes life livable in a hard world. We must understand and resist.

Life under leftism image by Pixlr AI.

"The average Western household is hardly aware of busybodies’ plans to ban or sabotage convenience appliances, from dishwashers to leaf-blowers. They also don’t know that, for years, the water flow in US showerheads is restricted so that they don’t fully enjoy their showers. In the same way, in Europe, vacuum cleaners are less powerful than required for best performance.

"A recent article in the National Review entitled “The War on Things that Work“ describes a crusade by what the article calls “the Environmentalist Left” against “convenience” and against “things that work”.

"But even more than convenience, the people behind the ungodly and anti-human ideology of Wokeism are after things that we, the humans, crave. “They” are after our joy.

"The justification to reduce joy is often, although not solely, “Climate” or “limited resources,” but this nihilistic ideology invariably seeks and finds the rationale to oppose the things that make humans happy." . . .

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