Wednesday, December 6, 2023

HAMAS BARBARIANS shot Israeli female soldiers in the crotch and breasts as part of ‘systemic genital mutilation’

 HAMAS BARBARIANS shot Israeli female soldiers in the crotch and breasts as part of ‘systemic genital mutilation’ (   "Some of the female victims of the attack on October 7 were left with agonized looks on their faces in death, according to an Israeli unit that helped bless the bodies. Army reservist Shari Mendes said many bodies of female victims, both civilian and soldiers, arrived ‘in bloody shredded rags or just in underwear." . . .

There will be no help from these women:

. . ."The West is now once again faced with the harsh reality that the Islamic terrorists are brutal to women here on Earth while on their way to fake pedo Allah paradise. Well, most of the West. There are people on the American Left who will go to great lengths to prop up an anti-Israel sentiment. Democrats are fearful of people who are fierce about their freedoms. They want everyone to yield to whatever woke-induced violence is visited upon them. The frontline of the pro-Palestinian crowd is found in Academia, of course. Highly-compensated academics are teaching impressionable young people that the Islamic terrorists are not the bad guys."

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