Saturday, August 31, 2024

Democrats Rule: California City Is a 'Train Wreck': Drug Addicts Wreak Havoc, Fueling Violent Crime

You want Kamala Harris and the Democrats she would select to run this nation?

 TFPP Wire    "San Francisco, once a shining beacon of innovation and culture on the West Coast, has become the epitome of what happens when liberal policies run amok.

"The city’s struggles with rampant drug use, homelessness, and crime have reached a boiling point, leaving residents and businesses alike wondering how things got so bad.

"At the heart of San Francisco’s troubles lies a decade of misguided leadership. Brian Claypool, a criminal defense attorney and owner of the Claypool Law Firm, doesn’t mince words when describing the situation.

“ 'San Francisco is a train wreck because of a combination of a couple of things; the left wing, radical Democratic leadership over the past 10 years,” he told Fox News Digital. “You have mayors who are very liberal, prosecutors who don’t prosecute offenders and the no-bail system.”

"The turning point for San Francisco came in 2014 with the passage of Proposition 47. This ill-conceived legislation reclassified several felonies as misdemeanors, including shoplifting under $950 and drug possession. The effects were immediate and devastating.

“ 'Proposition 47 was a major contributor to crime, not only in San Francisco, but across the state,” Claypool explained. “Because you had previously convicted felons who were not deemed dangerous. For example, fentanyl would have been classified as a dangerous drug before Prop 47 was passed, but Prop 47 forced the criminal court system to reclassify these drug addicts as a misdemeanor offense.”

"The result? More addicts on the streets, fueling a vicious cycle of homelessness and crime. With little fear of consequences, the homeless population has become increasingly brazen in committing robberies and violent acts." . . .  

California Insanity: State Senate And Assembly Pass Law Requiring Hiring of Illegal Alien Students | The Gateway Pundit  "California has cemented itself as a cultural Marxist haven by passing a law in the Senate and state assembly requiring public universities statewide to hire illegals.
"Now, it’s up to the infamous Governor Newsom to stop or sign off on this bill, AB 2586, according to Campus Reform.
"Noted president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, calls it what it is: criminal." . . .

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