Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tim Walz’s brother supports Trump and fears power in Tim’s hands

  Andrea Widburg - American Thinker 

  No matter how you feel about her, Laura Loomer is willing to dig, and her most recent digging discovered that Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff, dislikes his brother both personally and politically. It began when Loomer discovered that Jeff donated to Trump’s campaign in 2016:lic figure thanks to Loomer’s reporting, you may as well get on stage and tell your story.


. . . "When I shared this news with Monica Showalter, she had an interesting response:

. . ."My advice to Jeff Walz: Now that you’re a public figure thanks to Loomer’s reporting, you may as well get on stage and tell your story.

What is it with Democrats who have so many family members who can't stand them? Obama’s brother thought he was a fraud, Kamala’s dad can’t stand her, Meghan Markle is estranged from her family, and now Walz has a brother who says he’s a problem. The press focuses on a distant relative who dislikes Trump, but for Democrats, it’s often close relatives who know them well.

"My suspicion is that these high-achieving Democrats all have some variant of narcissistic personality disorder. For whatever reason, they feel empty inside, so they construct an artificial persona around that emptiness. These people are often highly successful because the only thing that feeds that persona is external signs of success: power, money, and adulation.

"These people are also sheer hell in personal relationships. While they’re very good at reading and manipulating other people’s emotions, they lack empathy. For them, emotions are tools rather than how humans connect.

"Narcissists are also strikingly dishonest—or at least normal people see them as dishonest. In the narcissists’ minds, the “truth” is not something fixed. It’s simply whatever will benefit them at the moment. That’s why they pass lie detector tests. In practical terms, this means Kamala lying about working at McDonald’s and constantly shifting her stated political values (all while advancing leftist policies), and Tim Walz lying about everything.

"Maybe Jeff Walz is the jerk, and Tim is the suffering soul in the relationship. But knowing what we do about Tim—liar, despot, and leftist—my money is on Jeff as the normal one who speaks the truth."

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