Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kamala says, "Gauge this"!

Power Line  

“Every socialist experiment in human history has started with caps on food and it has resulted in bread lines like you can see in the image behind me…This is a mistake. It is anti-American.”

Toon added by TD

"John Hinderaker has performed a public service in expounding on the stupidity of price controls. It is egregious in the context of “grocery chains” (as Harris refers to them in her speech), where profit margins run between 1 and 2 percent. As I say, there oughta be a law, and I don’t mean price controls.

"I particularly appreciate the concision of former Obama administration economist Jason Furman’s comments to the New York Times. “Egg prices went up last year — it’s because there weren’t as many eggs, and it caused more egg production,” Furman told the Times. More generally, he observed, “This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality. There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.”. . .

. . .Yesterday Harris unveiled her plan to mitigate the pain she has caused in a speech at a campaign rally in Raleigh (White House transcript here.) However, you have to wonder if Harris knew what she was talking about as she read her script. She called it “price gauging” — and she’s agin it: “So, believe me, as president, I will go after the bad actors. (Applause.) And I will work to pass the first-ever federal ban on prou- — price gauging [gouging] on food.” That’s what she said (video below)."

 "David Friedberg SHREDS the Kamala Harris Grocery ‘Price Gouging’ Plan  Video

"Here is a slightly more expansive statement of the case by David Friedberg flagged by Elon Musk. Friedberg is founder and CEO of The Production Board and co-host of the All-In podcast.   



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