Monday, September 16, 2024

As Oslo turns 31, the Left must abandon its hatred

  Caroline Glick (

"Thirty-one years since the left embraced the PLO and hate, it must finally abandon it. Israel's survival depends on it."

"Sept. 13, 1993, was the day Israel's ruling class abandoned Zionism. That day, when then prime minister Yitzhak Rabin stood in the White House Rose Garden and officially recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization —to the rapturous applause of his supporters back home —was the moment Israel's elite collectively abandoned their attachment to their nation.

"The PLO was many things. It was a terrorist organization. It was the architect of modern terrorism, including airline hijacking, kidnapping, the murder of families, the mass murder of children, the assassination of diplomats.

"The PLO trained everyone from Khomeini's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the Japanese Red Army, the Baader Meinhof Gang and the Black Panthers. It brought terrorists from every ideological line together and forged them into a revolutionary conglomerate united in their desire to destroy the United States, the West, the Jews and their state, Israel.

"The PLO was a political warfare group. It brought genocidal Jew hatred to the West's radical left. It used the media to romanticize barbarous acts of mass murder and brutal torture as it carried them out.

"Through its Western lackies, barely 20 years after the Holocaust the PLO was able to reinstate Jew hatred as a tool for political mobilization and a major cultural force. Through its propaganda operations, the PLO convinced ignorant young people with guilty consciences that their Nazi parents were really victims. Zionism was demonized as a new Nazism —worse than the first one. And in 1975, 30 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the U.N. General Assembly passed Resolution 3374, which designated Zionism a form of racism.

"Zionism is often defined as the Jewish national liberation movement. And that is true enough, but that definition obfuscates more than it reveals. Zionism is simply Judaism.

"Judaism has three foundations —the Torah, the nation of Israel and the land of Israel. There have been centuries of campaigns to forcibly convert the Jews to other faiths, replete with mass burnings of sacred books aimed at wiping out the Torah and annihilating Jews by physically destroying their sacred texts and spiritually capturing them through forced renunciation of their faith." . . .

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