Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kamala: Beware who she is and what she does



‘Known to the State of California,’ and other idiocy - Thomas J. Bruno   ..."Kamala Harris, when California attorney general, was the greatest defender of the worst excesses of Prop 65, which are brought primarily by environmental and consumer groups that benefit financially from settlements that businesses pay. In one such case, Harris stated, “My office will continue to enforce Proposition 65….” In 2018, a California judge ordered that coffee carry the same warning labels as the small box that my taps arrived in. Even the LA Times conceded that “there is little gain, and possibly some harm, in issuing cancer warnings that don’t convey relative risk.” Exactly my point." . . .

. . ."They go on to admit that had Kamala been challenged, given what we know about her inability to react well in such circumstances, we would very likely be talking about how Kamala didn’t perform well at all.

“When referees put their thumbs on the scale, the game changes,” they write.  “The results have to be thrown out, and we are robbed of our time.' ” . . .


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