Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Watch your words; Hillary wants to crush you!

 ‘Troubling’: Crooked Hillary Clinton Demands Jail For Americans With Ideas She Doesn’t Like (Video) ⋆ Conservative Firing Line  "In a stunning revelation about how she would like to exercise a dictatorial control over Americans and their ideas, twice-failed Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has called for jail for those with ideas that differ from hers.

"In an interview she was addressing her concerns about those who were “boosting Trump back in 2016.”

" 'But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. Uh. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence….”

"Of course, back in 2016, it was her campaign that funded the creation of a long list of lies about then-candidate Donald Trump, called the Steele Dossier, which she and other Democrats then promoted to try to defeat the eventual GOP president." . . .

 Clinton’s call for Americans to be criminally charged for “parrot[ing] Russian talking points” would apply to anyone who voiced opinions baselessly deemed to be Russian propaganda.

Naturally, Clinton found a welcoming partner in MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: 

Hillary Clinton Demands that Americans be “Criminally Charged” for Free Speech › American Greatness ( 

The Left has resurrected its use of “Russia propaganda” as a talking point following the Department of Justice (DOJ) indictment of Tenet Media, a Canadian media company run by Lauren Chen and her husband Liam Donovan. In the indictment, it is alleged that Chen and Donovan were colluding with Russia’s state-controlled media outlet Russia Today (RT) to promote rhetoric that benefited Russia to their conservative audience, particularly with regards to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Right in Hillary's wheelhouse: Melania Trump Blasts FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid: 'It Serves As a Warning to All Americans' – RedState 

. . ."The Department of Justice's weaponization of lawfare under the Biden-Harris regime and Attorney General Merrick Garland has been a stain on our country and makes us look like a banana republic. The DOJ raided Trump's home and went through Melania's personal things over classified documents—while letting his rival Joe Biden walk away scot-free for his own and perhaps worse documents scandal. We've watched as the DOJ and even local prosecutors like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Fulton County DA Fani Willis have made a mockery of our institutions. 

"Good for Melania for calling it out. I hope she posts many more videos like this." 

Hillary Clinton Resurfaces In Terrifying Media Hit (

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