Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cornell hate prof a stain on the academy, and fits right in

 Rich Lowry ( 

Cornell University professor Russel Rickford is back teaching at the school after calling the Oct. 7 attacks against Israel "exhilarating" last year.

"The remarkable thing about Russell Rickford is that there is nothing extraordinary about him. 

"The Cornell University prof gained notoriety in the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7 by declaring that he found the terror attack “exhilarating.”

"He wasn’t specific about what was more exciting to him — the slaughter of hundreds of people at a music festival, including wounded people at point-blank range, the mass hostage-taking, the burning of people alive or the horrific sexual violence.

"For the committed anti-Zionist, there must be so many thrilling moments to choose from. 

"Afterward, Rickford apologized for his “horrible choice of words.”

Sadly the remainder is behind a pay wall. It may do if you just know the man.

Exclusive | Cornell prof Russell Rickford, who lauded Hamas attack, back at school (  "The radical Cornell University prof who lauded the Hamas terror attack on Israel as “exhilarating” and “energizing” dodged any punishment and is now back teaching at the upstate Ivy League school.

"Shamed history Professor Russell Rickford was out for the past year on “voluntary leave” after widespread public outcry when he was recorded at an off-campus anti-Israel rally cheering Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, invasion that slaughtered 1,200 Israelis.

" 'It was exhilarating, it was energizing ….I was exhilarated,” Rickford said at the time — before apologizing for applauding the mass murder of innocent civilians." . . .

Exhilarated yet?

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