Sunday, December 1, 2024

Know the Signs!

The American Catholic  "News that I missed, courtesy of The Babylon Bee:

"Alcoholism is a dangerous condition affecting millions across the United States each and every year, from the poorest among us to even very powerful government officials. It’s important to know when you have a problem so you can seek the help you need. Here are nine signs to look for when determining if you are an alcoholic:"

  1. Your sentences often don’t make sense. – If you find yourself saying things like “the significance of the passage of time” or “space connects us all,” you might want to seek help.
  2. You sometimes wake up in the morning to find you posted embarrassing videos on the internet. – Drunk-posting is a sign your life is out of control.
  3. You wake up from alcohol-induced blackouts with fragmented memories of having run for president. – If you’re having vague flashes of Beyonce, Lizzo, and Mark Hamill all endorsing you for president and calling you “brat,” you need help.
  4. You make poor decisions like picking Tim Walz as your VP. – Alcoholism can inhibit our decision-making, and this can affect our lives and careers in negative ways.
  5. You find yourself drinking during stressful times such as difficult work days, cabinet meetings, and presidential debates. – Being drunk during big career moments is a sign you are a slave to alcohol.
  6. Your head hurts a lot in the mornings, as though you just fell out of a coconut tree. – If you find yourself saying, “Doug, get the ibuprofen” every morning, take a good, long look in the mirror.
  7. You drink in unsafe situations such as while you’re in control of a motor vehicle or while you’re in control of an entire country. – Driving a car, or a country, under the influence is illegal and dangerous.

"Go here to read the rest.  The woman needs an intervention rather than sycophants wish casting future political races for her."

Donald R. McClarey: Cradle Catholic. Active in the pro-life movement since 1973. Father of three, one in Heaven, and happily married for 41 years. Small town lawyer and amateur historian. Former president of the board of directors of the local crisis pregnancy center for a decade.

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